Submit your mixes
How to submit your music....
Artists please add your sets / tracks and we will carefully listen and play the best DJ mixes / songs on our radio.
Upload your mixes using wetransfer or sendspace, in mp3 format at 128 kpbs stereo (150 MB limited) and type the link on the message board. Info about yourself or a facebook link would be useful as well. Then, press the "send" button:
Please fill out all fields below. All fields are required.
Please remember, by uploading your music/songs to BeRadio you are consenting/agreeing with the following statements about the audio you are uploading:
The audio file is your own creation and not copyrighted
You have legal permission to upload the audio file
You give BeRadio the permission to air on our station (web and FM), feature and use your song / set
This permission can be revoked anytime you wish.
The only types of files accepted are .mp3 files. Please make sure your upload is at least 128kbps bit rate.
To contact us please fill the boxes with the requested values, leave your message and press 'send'
You may also email us the artwork of your event / flyer / poster to be shown on the NEWS section of the site
For more specific and additional info please contact.